Timed Agenda/Learning Objectives: Each session is 3.5 hours with one brief ten-minute break. Sessions will include lecture, demonstrations, engaging exercises, and time for questions. Sessions will start at 9 am and end at 12:30 pm Central Time with a ten-minute break at 10:40 am to 10:50 am.
Session 1: What is it? Where did it come from? & why we use it:
Introduction and Overview
History & Theory of EST
Principles of EST
EST & the Pandemic
Successful Case Examples
Be able to define ego state theory
Be able to describe seven ego state therapy principles and their relevance to clinical practice
Be able to recognize at least two ego state pandemic related issues that have been barriers to therapeutic growth
Be able to Identify four important contributors to the field of EST
Session 2: Setting the Stage for EST
Development of ego states
Phase-oriented treatment
Activating/accessing/ and working with ego states
Therapeutic approach
Be able to name four processes of ego state development
Be able to apply five strategies to access and work with ego states in clinical practice
Be able to list five points to discuss when presenting EST to clients
Be able to describe ten steps for formulating an EST approach to treatment
Session 3: Communications with the self and within the self
Clinical hypnosis and use of hypnotic language (speaking with the unconscious)
Internal voices (understanding, normalizing, and effective utilization)
Use of metaphors
Nonverbal communication & the use of ideomotor signaling
Be able to define three hypnotic strategies for communicating with ego states
Be able to describe the development and role of inner voices/private speech for functional use
Be able to create a clinically useful metaphor or story relevant to ego states and multiplicity
Be able to describe three applications of ideomotor signaling for communicating with ego states
Session 4: The Core of Treatment: Strengthening, Stabilization, & Skills
Symptoms as solutions
Ego strengthening
Strategies for affect regulation
Keeping skills accessible (They only work if you can access them!)
Be able to list three ego state strategies for changing symptoms into solutions
Be able to describe three ego state therapy applications for ego-strengthening
Be able to describe three ego state therapy applications for affect regulation
Be able to describe three hypnotic strategies to stay within the ‘window of tolerance’.
Session 5: Corrective Experiences & Therapeutic Applications
Developmental Repair
Attachment: Relational aspects
Strategies for self-harm and trauma reenactment
Be able to explain the role of attachment on ego state behavior and reactivity
Be able to describe three relational components to help address insecure/disorganized attachment patterns between therapist/ego states
Be able to describe how to use transitional objects hypnotically when dealing with attachment related repair.
Be able apply three ego state therapy principles when addressing safety concerns such as self-harm
Session 6: EST and Challenging Concerns
Working with destructive states
Stuck/dormant/missing states
Caveats related to dissociation and dissociative disorders
Case Presentation/Consultation
Wrap up: ASCH Certification & ESTI Certification
Be able to Identify two ego state therapy caveats when working with dissociative disorders
Be able to list three ego state therapy strategies when dealing with malevolent or destructive ego states
Be able to list three ego state therapy strategies for dealing with ‘missing, stuck, or dormant’ ego states
Be able to discuss a case and formulate an EST plan for treatment