Somatic Ego State Therapy with Body Symptoms
Join us for Dr. Silvia Zanotta, live online from Switzerland
This is an advanced course and although some training in Ego State Therapy is helpful but not necessary. It will be recorded and available to registered participants for a limited time.
Dr. Silvia Zanotta
Nov. 14th, 2024 Virtual
Join us on Nov. 14th from 9 am to 4:30 pm Central Time Zone for Dr. Silvia Zanotta's course on Ego State Therapy with Body Symptoms. This is approved for 6 Advanced Credit hours towards ESTNA certification and a certificate of attendance will be provided to those who attend 'live online'.
Sessions should be attended 'video on', to get ESTNA credit. It will be recorded and viewing link available for limited time.
APA CE's available for additional $50 fee through Bridgepoint. Must attend all day with video on. No partial credit. Must sign-up and pay for this prior to course (Make sure your licensing board accepts APA): Link to CEU's: Click here.

Somatic Ego State Therapy with Body Symptoms
As a mindbody approach Somatic Ego State Therapy is especially helpful with pain, somatic issues and with persistent (unresponsive) symptoms such as emotional and physical pain syndromes. Pain may be caused either by physical injuries or impairment by unresolved trauma which can lead to tension and freeze responses which eventually have an impact on the brain and body. Multiple traumas often result in chronic pain, which again is traumatizing, overwhelming and triggers feelings of powerlessness. Building resilience is therefore the main goal. With the Somatic Ego State therapy approach we have the tools to access “somatic” ego states and to differentiate organically caused pain from “psychosomatic” pain and alleviate both pain patterns.
This experiential day seminar will focus on somatic strategies to regulate the nervous system and alleviate pain. Participants will learn to utilize bodily expression and to access body issues through somatic ego states.
Case studies and demo will show co- and self-regulation techniques and methods to work with somatic ego states, especially helpful in the treatment of physical or emotional pain or with clients who are “too much in their heads”.
About Dr. Zanotta...
Dr. phil. Silvia Zanotta works as a psychologist and psychotherapist for children, adolescents, adults and families in private practice in Zurich, Switzerland. Before self-employment, she gained experience as a school- and educational psychologist and in child and adolescent psychiatry. She is a certified trainer and supervisor in Ego State Therapy International and Resource Therapy International, supervisor in hypnosis, as well as founder and co-chair of Ego State Therapy Switzerland. Silvia Zanotta has certification in Person-Centered-Therapy (Carl Rogers), Trauma-Therapy (PITT), Clinical Hypnosis (MEG and Ghyps), Ego-State-Therapy (FEST and ESTI) Resource Therapy and Somatic Experiencing® (SE Practitioner), including Energy Psychology in her work. She specializes in the treatment of traumatic stress, anxiety, phobia, OCD, autism and somatic symptoms. Dr. Zanotta, lecturer at the University of Applied Psychology in Zurich, has presented at national and international major conferences in Europe, Canada and South Africa. She teaches in several European countries and has written various articles/publications on trauma and Ego State Therapy. Her book “Wieder ganz werden. Traumaheilung mit Ego-State-Therapie und Körperwissen” was originally published in September 2018 in Germany and had to be reprinted within 3 months, a second edition followed in summer 2019, the 3rd in summer 2022.
APA CE's available for additional $50 fee through Bridgepoint. Must attend all day with video on. No partial credit. Must sign-up and pay for this prior to course (Make sure your licensing board accepts APA): Link to CEU's: Click here.
APA CE's available for additional $50 fee through Bridgepoint. Must attend all day with video on. No partial credit. Must sign-up and pay for this prior to course (Make sure your licensing board accepts APA): Link to CEU's: Click here.
195 US dollars